March 13, 2024

Nayeli speaking at MedFit, 11th October 2023, Strasbourg

What are the best practices for involving healthcare professionals in the early stages of innovative product development?

A successful innovation must answer an unmet need for patients and/or a real issue faced by practitioners. This is not only a matter of “what” the technology addresses but also of “how”, so that it can be easily usable by health professionals and integrated in their practice. How to further involve healthcare professionals in the innovation process and how to best access them? How to make sure practitioners develop the skills necessary to exploit the potential of the innovations? To what extent can incorporating physician insights help in securing approvals and clearance? How to ease access to real-world observations and supporting data? What are the examples of lasting industry/HCP collaborations and what is the impact on innovation development and patients?

Moderator: Carole Absil, HealthTech Strategist

Nayeli Schmutz, Co-Founder & Chief Medical Officer, PIPRASwiss

Ryan Ramkhelawan, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Lasting Machine VenturesUSA

Hatim Abdulhussein, Medical Director // National Clinical Lead for AI and Digital Workforce, Kent Surrey Sussex Academic Health Science Network // NHS England United Kingdom

Anna Erat, Precise Genetics Promoter, Hirslanden Swiss

Ymke de Jong, Data&AI Strategy Program Manager, Philips